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Do Google ads really work?

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This is a common question many people tend to ask.

And it’s mainly because most people don’t seem to click on those ads.

So they wonder if anyone will ever do it.

However, the good news is that Google ads do work, and this article shows how and why.

What is Google Adwords?

Google AdWords is an online advertising system developed by Google helping businesses use Google and its partner sites to reach online target markets. It appears on search engine results pages and partner sites when users conduct searches using your specific business-related keywords and phrases.

How does Google Adwords work?

Google Adwords works by securing an ad position by placing a keyword bid in a competitive, live auction. You can adjust your bid based on the competition and your desired ad position.

Depending on other advertisers’ bid prices, you either get your desired ad position or a lower position if you are outbid. You can do the bidding manually or with the help of multiple automated options.

Unlike organic results, Google ads are better and more controllable. And Google rewards advertisers with discount per-click costs for their well-targeted and performing Adwords campaigns.

The excellent performing ads end up with higher ad ranking positions, with a higher chance of reaching top organic listings. And the top-placed ads are more likely to be clicked on, to deliver more visitors to your website.

How expensive are Google Ads?


Most people refrain from investing in Google ads because it’s more expensive than social media marketing. However, little do they know that this loss of revenue is often due to inexperienced third-party services performing Google Adwords marketing.

Sometimes the loss may be because the third-party service didn’t maintain the Google ads account well.

Working with an expert Google Adwords marketer prevents this. They will be able to avoid your overspending on Google Adwords and help you get maximum profit in return.

Do I need clicks when I have great SEO?

Yes, it’s because great SEO will indeed help increase your rankings. However, the process of clawing to the top Google SERPs is a slow one.

And this is where Google ads work.

In short, Google ads do not replace good SEO but works with SEO to increase your overall profitability. SEO helps for informational searches with low commercial intent. However, it’s targeted commercial queries that lead to SERPs with higher ad content.

So it doesn’t matter how good your SEO is. It won’t help much if you don’t use Google Adwords, but your competitor bids for clicks related to your brand and services.

How do I convert Google Ads traffic?

There are four main tips to follow to convert Google Ads. They are:

  1. By ensuring you have a well-structured account.
  2. Using targeted, relevant and specific keywords with excellent quality scores.
  3. Including negative keywords blocks irrelevant searches.
  4. Creating ads that are relevant to your keywords and pages the clicks will land on


Is Google ads management time intensive?

Like any form of marketing, Google ads management too can take some time to work. However, with this time comes a good ROI, making it well worth it.

The main thing for success is to stick with it.

You can always use the help of specific tools and systems to reduce the time you spend on campaign management once you establish your campaign.

How can I maximize my share of Google traffic?

You will notice after some Google advertising that specific keywords are the more critical inquiry generators for your business. You can maximize your share of Google traffic by crafting ads based on these must-win keywords.

The success of your Google Adwords campaign mainly boils down to relevance. When someone conducts searches, they want to quickly find what they are looking for without conducting multiple investigations. And it’s while conducting these searches, they click on ads that are highly relevant to what they are looking for.

They tend to scan the results page after completing a search on Google. And it’s the ad at or near the top of page one that’s clicked because it’s convenient. Besides, it’s human nature to associate quality listings with a higher ranking.

That’s why Google is the largest and most successful advertising platform ever.

And yes, they do work, and you know because people do click on the ads. As long as you have a properly researched and professionally managed Google ads campaign, it will generate leads and sales for your business.